Friday, July 10, 2009

Beware of Con Artist & Scammer

Good morning, we had been recently noticed that alot of people's hard earn money had been scammed and conned by some part time con artist.

They will at first tell you they have a software which can make the 4D accuracy or within 2-5 draw strike at podium direct. Podium means 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize.

After that they will post up the winning ticket on the web. Don't fall in this trap. We had again warn it.

We will totally never claim by striking 101% instead we are claiming we are increasing 95% chances of striking podium. That is totally different meaning.:)
Imagine if he,she or they have those kind of software they eventually no need to sell it but can bet on by their own.

Remember winning tickets can be edited by using certain software. We do not encourage winner to post up ticket.

We are looking forward to commercialise this by earning a small and reasonble fee. As we are bringing in some analyst in this 4D prediction.

For those who intend to subscribe please do not hesitate to email us :

We are going to limited the subscribers for each of the counter.

Our free service will still going on and we are going to post a bundle of number in general. We won't specify it on which counter.

Best Regards
Numbers Pilot Team

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